Posted by:
Joni Falk
Posted on: May 20, 2001 at 2:33 PM
Teacher Leadership has been at the center of many of the LSCs. Yet as Ramesh points out "no recipes exist in standard cookbooks" on how to produce a cadre of teacher leaders that will facilitate the sustaining of teacher change. Questions that come up repeatedly around teacher leadership involve 1) the selection of teacher leaders 2) the training of these leaders 3) the transmission of knowledge between one cohort of teacher leaders and the next 4) quality control, and 5) how to deal with attrition. Comments from projects about any of the above are invited. Both Ramesh and Linda allude to a model that they have developed for transmission of teacher leadership. Linda speaks of a mentoring model and Ramesh of a shared leadership model. It would be great to hear specific vignettes of how each of these models worked within their LSCs. Nancy Terman and Ruby Durias, pose several questions about Teacher Leadership in their poster. They write "It was challenging to have teachers who did not feel confident enough about their own mathematical knowledge take on a leadership role." I would love to hear from projects about the training that they have found most effective for developing both content knowledge as well as leadership skills, and the time that they think needs to be allotted for this, especially for the first cohort of leaders. Ramesh writes that "LSC project activities need to incorporate specific leadership preparation sessions in their project activities." I would like to hear more about the types of leadership preparation that has been found to be most useful. Last, how do you deal with ineffectual teacher leaders? How have you addressed resentment of those who feel they were not in on the "ground floor" and were not included in the leadership role? Do you find resentment between those who are given the title of leader and those that are not?