Posted by:
Barbara Sullivan-Watts
Posted on: May 23, 2001 at 12:06 PM
My reflection resulted from reading Mark St. John's airplane thoughts. I found the analogy of the continuous painting of the Golden Gate Bridge and the call for reform of the infrastructure of continuing professional development with hard structures to replace "soft money" infusions the most provocative thoughts of the conference. This may be because I am a "soft-money" research scientist who must daily face the issues of the discontinuitie and problems resulting from reliance on soft-money.I would liekto see us to fill out the analogy of the bridge: what are the institutional structures, types of personnel, etc. specifically that are needed to keep painting the bridge? In our LSC we have attacked one relevant area I have not seen mentioned by others: that is to revise science education of preservice teachers, of future science faculty (science graduate students), and courses provided for continuing education credits for in-service teachers to aligned them with the new programs in public schools, providing models of inquiry based science teaching, including exposure to inquiry based kits, as well as other important advances in the pedagogy of science. And we firmly believe, students of science at university level courses using inquiry will also retain better science content knowledge. If teachers coming in the pipeline are prepared well and have learned how to love, learn and do science, we hope they become part of the effort to "keep painting the bridge". (This should all apply to math as well as science). There must be many other ways than the one we have been working on to sustain change without soft money. I hope those at NSF and the LSC community come up with many other programs that build this capacity in more permanently.