Project Info: Birmingham Systemic Change 2000 Project K-5 Mathematics
Louis Dale (Principal Investigator) Carolyn Braswell (Co-Principal Investigator) Beverly Kimes (Support Staff)
grant award #:
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funding ends:
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grade levels:
The Birmingham Public School System and the University of
Alabama at Birmingham formed a partnership to address the problem of
declining mathematics achievement in the district. This project will provide
major staff development for teachers of grades K-5.
The Birmingham K-5
reform plan has four main elements:
1. The adoption of a high-quality
reform-based curriculum series, Everyday Mathematics. 2. The creation of a
mathematics Staff Development Team composed of classroom teachers,
mathematics educators, and mathematicians, 3. The provision of substantive
teacher enhancement for all K-5 teachers in the system, and 4. The development
of a plan for on-going teacher renewal after the project ends.
All 907 of the
district's K-5 teachers will participate in an intensive staff development program
that includes summer institutes and academic year meetings. The Staff
Development Team will design and implement the program. The NSF-funded
Bridges to Classroom Mathematics Project will work cooperatively with the
Staff Development Team in designing the program. Additionally, five
Mathematics Resource Teachers will support classroom teachers during
implementation. Parents, teachers, administrators, and the business community
participated in the planning. The project evaluation will include participation in
the core evaluation process, along with all of the other LSC projects.