Posted by:
Bob Box
Posted on: May 22, 2001 at 12:53 PM
Thanks, Dean. You obviously have dealt with the harsh realities of the 25% of U.S. students who live in poverty. We believe an essential bridge for these young people out of poverty is a significant relationship with a caring adult. Teachers can be, and have been, that person in the lives of so may children. Perry Montoya, who provides key leadership on this topic, can give you a bit more perspective, including the comments of some of our teachers as their understanding grows. You'll find his reflections under topic #2 "posting a question." To answer your query about integration, first let me clear up my intention. I absolutely believe in the need for greater integration of instruction and of professional development. That includes the integration of all sciences across their disciplines. (Continuing to separate chemistry and biology ignores the standards.) My advice for new projects was about the difficulty of addressing both under the same GRANT. The need for it in the classroom is still important. Effective bridges for us included technology, dialouge across the grades (especially getting elementary and junior high teachers to talk with each other) and using inquiries science and math to improve writing.