Posted by:
Sarah Lindsey
Posted on: May 16, 2001 at 3:00 PM
Jean, Good questions. Between 1989 and 1995 we received a major grant from a local foundation to build (retrofit an old school) our k-6 science resources center. At our center we build (nationally validated), distribute & refurbish science kits. We scaled up from 1 to 4-5 kits/grade level. The time enabled us to bring everyone onboard using the kits. Then, & only then did people discover that they needed to know and understand science content and inquiry-skills better. This developmental work enabled us to maximize the benefits of the NSF grant and is facilitating the sustainability efforts. Go slow to go fast. Actually, we needed 2 sources of large funding: 1. building our science center (required large funding from local foundations) and of course 2. the NSF grant with matching local funding. If had never received the funding, our inquiry-based science program would be impossible. Also, performance on our state assessment would be dismal. Thank you for the inquiry. Sarah Lindsey