Posted by:
Michael Kreindler
Posted on: May 22, 2001 at 11:07 PM
Howard:Project Inquiry from the Bronx, NY has the same kinds of problems that your project in Manhattan faces. We, too, have lost science teacher facilitators for the project to math and literacy. What we do have going in our favor, however, is the way teachers have taken to the inquiry process. Our project's staff has been so pleasantly surprised in the way reluctant teachers have become believers. As we treat teachers, the word has spread and teachers have begun looking forward to professional development. Upon returning to their classes, teachers have found that their students have become so excited by science inquiry learning that they almost "have to " give their students the opportunity to do science. I hope we can instill this love of inquiry teaching and learning in enough teachers in all of our schools that the new recruits will jump on the bandwagon. I'm happy to see that your Project staff infrastructur is still in place and functioning well. Michael Krendler Project Inquiry Bronx, NY