Posted by:
Jane Hazen Dessecker
Posted on: May 15, 2001 at 4:45 PM
Hi GregI enjoyed your poster. Do you have a per person cost for your project? What does it involve. I like the way Renee did theirs in "packages" We are investigating starting a center and the $$$$ scares me. Your last question on whether districts would participate if they knew the costs at the beginning is right where we are......we are afraid to tell them what we think it might cost. Your question "wave" or "all strategy" is another question we pondered. We did the "all" and then didn't have a plan in place for the new teachers every year. So the "wave" sounds good on paper. In reality we liked having all teachers that were interested be involved every year. We were able to sustain their interest and motivation and build a strong base of support. Some of slackers we nevered reached anyway. Did your middle school project get funded? Jane Hazen Dessecker (SEEDS) Ohio