Poster: Exceeding Our Greatest Expectations
This message is in reply to:
- Wave thoughts - Jane Hazen Dessecker
Posted by:
Anita Hennessy
Posted on: May 23, 2001 at 5:12 PM
Jane, I can answer for Greg on the costs. I manage out Materials Resource Center. We charged $117 per kit use this year. For our Rhode Island districts this was reduced by about $82 per kit by a RI Legislative Grant we were able to get to subsidize the cost of operations for RI districts. The $117 includes all materials and operational costs (rent,utilities, labor, supplies,etc). We take the total cost and divide by the number of kits we serve for the year to get the per kit cost. For those districts that we have provided professional development support we charge a separate fee per teacher per day--depends on the cost of providing the PD (kit training with assessment, inquiry and materials management; or, content course; or institute; or, leadership development seminar/workshops... There is something to be said for bundling the PD and the kit services. We have many districts that provide their own PD and we have encouraged newer districts to build in district expertise and leadership to provide their own PD. Hope this is helpful Anita Hennessy